Nothing Special
Nothing Special tells the story of three siblings from the perspective of the youngest, Ben, who has drifted apart from Jackie and Mark over time. In an attempt to mend troubled fraternal bonds, Ben decides to help his siblings out of a difficult situation, which comes at great personal cost for all involved and sends the trio spiraling down a path of petty criminality. Shot on a shoestring budget with a tiny crew in the span of 10 days, this Pointe-Saint-Charles-set crime story explores themes of brotherhood, storytelling and the subjectivity of memory, against the backdrop of one of Montreal’s most iconic working-class neighborhoods. Existing between mockumentary and fiction, Nothing Special is a personal story of the choices we make and the price we pay for them.
An experiment by Paul Ballerini
Cast & Credits
Written, Produced and Edited by
Paul Ballerini
Shot by
Jérémie Allaire-Ménard